Event Series Knock Doors for Leslie Derrington

Knock Doors for Leslie Derrington

Join us to canvass for Leslie Derrington! We will have multiple opportunities for you to knock doors with us these upcoming weeks. The times for canvasses are Friday from 3 - 6 PM and Saturdays from 2 - 5 PM. The canvass location and directions will be shared upon completion of the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf7sGGuA_qLdqaa3RMzDChJNs6dSlYQPNx-NWNpkCO-TU9ECg/viewform For […]

Event Series Knock Doors for Kyle Kerns

Knock Doors for Kyle Kerns

Knock Doors with Kyle at Sylvan Spring Park parking lot at the corner of Boundary and Sheridan Greet voters at polling places on Tuesday! For details and to sign up, click the link. Kyle Kerns http://mobilize.us/stlouiscountydemocraticc.../event/735357/

Event Series Knock Doors with Kevin Schartner

Knock Doors with Kevin Schartner

South County Office 35 Grasso Plaza, Saint Louis, MO, United States

Help us spread the word about Kevin Schartner by knocking doors with our team across South County! Bring your walking shoes, water bottle, and a charged cell phone. Meet us at the St. Louis County Democrats South County Office for a canvass launch. If you are a pro and want to grab a list and […]

Event Series Knock Doors for Kyle Kerns

Knock Doors for Kyle Kerns

Knock Doors with Kyle at Sylvan Spring Park parking lot at the corner of Boundary and Sheridan Greet voters at polling places on Tuesday! For details and to sign up, click the link. Kyle Kerns http://mobilize.us/stlouiscountydemocraticc.../event/735357/

Event Series Knock Doors for Leslie Derrington

Knock Doors for Leslie Derrington

Join us to canvass for Leslie Derrington! We will have multiple opportunities for you to knock doors with us these upcoming weeks. The times for canvasses are Friday from 3 - 6 PM and Saturdays from 2 - 5 PM. The canvass location and directions will be shared upon completion of the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf7sGGuA_qLdqaa3RMzDChJNs6dSlYQPNx-NWNpkCO-TU9ECg/viewform For […]

Event Series Knock Doors with Kevin Schartner

Knock Doors with Kevin Schartner

South County Office 35 Grasso Plaza, Saint Louis, MO, United States

Help us spread the word about Kevin Schartner by knocking doors with our team across South County! Bring your walking shoes, water bottle, and a charged cell phone. Meet us at the St. Louis County Democrats South County Office for a canvass launch. If you are a pro and want to grab a list and […]

Event Series Knock Doors for Kyle Kerns

Knock Doors for Kyle Kerns

Knock Doors with Kyle at Sylvan Spring Park parking lot at the corner of Boundary and Sheridan Greet voters at polling places on Tuesday! For details and to sign up, click the link. Kyle Kerns http://mobilize.us/stlouiscountydemocraticc.../event/735357/

Event Series Knock Doors for Leslie Derrington

Knock Doors for Leslie Derrington

Join us to canvass for Leslie Derrington! We will have multiple opportunities for you to knock doors with us these upcoming weeks. The times for canvasses are Friday from 3 - 6 PM and Saturdays from 2 - 5 PM. The canvass location and directions will be shared upon completion of the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf7sGGuA_qLdqaa3RMzDChJNs6dSlYQPNx-NWNpkCO-TU9ECg/viewform For […]


On December 3, 2024, people all around the world are coming together to tap into the power of human connection and strengthen communities and change our world. Will you be one of them?  South County Democratic Club will be participating in GivingTuesday, and we need your help!  By joining the GivingTuesday movement, you’re proving that […]

Holiday Party

Teamsters Hall Local 682 5730 Elizabeth Ave., St. Louis

St. Louis City Democrats–St. Louis County Democrats Holiday Party featuring the Ugly Sweater Competition  Doors open at 5:30 pm; Ugly Sweater Competition begins at 6:30pm Food and drink provided Teamsters Hall 682 5730 Elizabeth Ave., St. Louis, MO 63110 Tickets $10 per person at https://secure.actblue.com/donate/uglysweater2024

MLK Day Service Project

Affton Community Center 9801 Mackenzie Rd, Affton, MO, United States

At our second annual MLK Day service event, we’ll be: - Making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to be distributed by the PB&J Brigade to the unhoused - Assembling bags of winter supplies to be donated to and distributed by the Salvation Army St. Louis Gateway Citadel in South County centralusa.salvationarmy.org/midland/stlgateway/ - Organizing and packing […]

Lemay/Concord Democratic Clubs Feb Meeting

Affton Fire District Admin House #1 9282 Gravois Rd, Affton

Attention Democrats!  It's time to get back into the swing of things! Please join us next Thursday and hear all the news and updates on abortion advocacy, state of litigation, and what folks can do in the near future to help defend Amendment 3!  AND...   You will meet the new committeeperson for Concord Township - Kate […]