Talktober Fest
South County Office 35 Grasso Plaza, Saint LouisJoin us for our final Wednesday phone bank ahead of Election Day to GOTV. For those new to phone banking, a brief training is provided.
Join us for our final Wednesday phone bank ahead of Election Day to GOTV. For those new to phone banking, a brief training is provided.
Join us to canvass for Leslie Derrington! We will have multiple opportunities for you to knock doors with us these upcoming weeks. The times for canvasses are Friday from 3 - 6 PM and Saturdays from 2 - 5 PM. The canvass location and directions will be shared upon completion of the form: For […]
Knock Doors with Kyle at Sylvan Spring Park parking lot at the corner of Boundary and Sheridan Greet voters at polling places on Tuesday! For details and to sign up, click the link. Kyle Kerns